Hemeroids develop due to uncontrolled growth of varicose veins. A person having hemeroids suffers from physical discomforts like bleeding, anal itching, pain and even mental distress because of social embarrassment. Although hemeroids do not cause serious health problems, ignorance towards its existence can produce severe health complications.

Causes of hemeroids includes dietary irritants, mental stress, straining, sitting and standing for long hours, irregular and unhygienic bowel movement, obesity and even working in high temperature conditions.

The most common symptoms of hemeroids includes blood in the stool, a burning and itching sensation in the rectum, additional pressure required in passing stool, rectal pain and irritation.

Test/Diagnosis for Hemeroids: Most likely the doctor may just examine your rectum with a gloved finger or he may use a short, lighted scope to look inside the rectum to know if you have hemeroids.

Hemeroids Symptoms

Friday, September 26, 2008

hemeroids symptoms|symptoms of hemeroids picHemeroids symptoms are one of the very discomforting condition you will ever experienced if you have hemoroids. Just imagine if your in public places or in any very solemn environment then hemeroid symptoms will attack , how are you going to deal with that shameful condition? Therefore early recognition of hemeroids symptoms should be given importance to come up with early hemeroid treatment.

Although hemeroid is quite embarrassing topic to discuss, it is also a very common issue that is untold. At age 50, about half of adults have had to deal with the uncomfortable feeling of itching, bleeding and pain which are the common symptoms of hemeroids. But good to know, that there are now many available effective hemeriod treatments existing in our market, and for some only requires basic home remedies to get rid of hemeroid symptoms.

Hemeroids Symptoms may vary from person to another, and usually depends on what type of hemeroid and where it is located. Although many people have hemeroids, not all of them experienced symptoms of hemeroids.

So in case there is no hemeroids symptoms such as pain or discomfort experienced, how will you know you have hemeroids? In most cases, bleeding or spotting of any blood in the stools or toilet tissue should immediately be referred to a doctor so the condition will be diagnosed properly. You need to have this checked to rule out the possibility of hemeroid symptoms.
Hemeroids symptoms usually disappears after a few days. And these hemeroids symptoms usually depends on the location where the hemeroids develop:

Hemeroids symptoms of Internal hemeriods. These hemeroids develops in the deeper portion of the anal canal and rectum where there are few nerve endings, the main reason why you mostly can't see or feel these hemeriods. The presence of blood on toilet paper or in the bowl during bowel movement is a common hemeroid symptoms. And because internal anal membranes lack pain-sensitive nerve fibers, these hemeroids usually don't cause discomfort. But because of straining or irritation from passing stool that can injure a hemeroids delicate surface thus causes it to bleed. Occasionally, straining can push an internal hemeroid through the anal opening. If a hemeroid remains displaced, it can cause pain and irritation. Rectal Bleeding and pain are most complained about. Internal hemeroid can be extremely painful, as they often protrude and can become thrombosed, or clotted. Another hemeroids symptom of internal hemeroids is the occurrence of mucus just like the occurrence of blood in your stool.

Hemeroids symptoms of External hemeroids. These external hemeroids appears on the outer rim of the anus and are usually the most uncomfortable hemeroids condition. These usually tend to be painful. Sometimes blood may pool in an external hemeroids and form a clot, causing severe pain, swelling and inflammation. Most common hemeroid symptoms of external hemeroids are itching, burning, and irritation. Streaks of blood may also appear on toilet paper after straining during bowel movements. You may also find it difficult to thoroughly cleanse the anal area.

Hemeroids symptoms for both internal hemeroids and external hemeroids are:

• Bleeding during bowel movements and the appearance of bright red blood on toilet paper after you strain to have a bowel movement is the number one hemeroid symptoms.
• Itching and burning are another hemeroids symptoms.
• The feeling of pain and swellings while cleaning your rectal area are also most common hemeroids symptoms.

Any hemeroids symptoms you noticed is recommended to have it consulted with your doctor for early hemeroid treatment. Although the amount of pain really depends on how bad your hemeriods are, and regardless of how small or big your hemeroid symptoms are it is advised that you have to deal with the problem as soon as possible. Hemeroids are not life-threatening but living with hemeroids is not really fun... it's uncomfortably painful... and not to mention, its embarrassing.

So to get rid of hemeroids symptoms, you can take these following advise:

• Eat high-fiber foods. You are advise to eat more fruits, vegetables and grains to help softens the stool and increases its bulk thus getting rid of any hemeroid symptoms.
• Drink plenty of liquids. Drink plenty of water or fluids a minimum of 8 glasses a day to get rid of hemeroids symptoms.
• Regular exercise. Stay active to reduce pressure on veins, which can occur with long periods of standing or sitting, and to help prevent constipation. Exercise can also help you lose excess weight thus helping you to get of hemeroids symptoms.

However if hemeroids symptoms still persist, you have to consult your physician for other hemeroid treatment or in worst cases to take hemeroid surgery.